Karin van der Molen The Source
Fragments of china porcelain form this funnel into Yu Lei mountain, an artpiece along the historic tea trade trail. The piece holds several layers of meaning, unfolding at closer look. At first it can be read as a tribute to an ancient culture, that is still feeding our culture today. Patterns of blue and white porcelain in the sculpture tell us about yin and yang balance, values that are still able to inspire us beyond the challenges of modern life. At closer look you will find also pieces of porcelain coming from European countries. Some parts from France, cups from Germany and a plate with a windmill from The Netherlands. As happens in this sculpture, our cultures get closer and eventually we are influenced and inspired by one another. At the bottom of the funnel there is the drain, to let the rainwater out of the sculpture. The drain pipe also tells us another story. It tells us to cherish our fundaments, and not let them be washed away.